Daily routine of a 7 month old baby and tips on how to make a routine.


My son is 7 months and growing up so fast. He is finally loving to eat puréed foods, and he is very active so his schedule has gotten fuller. We have created a routine for him that is not completely set but we try to keep it consistent as best as we can.

We put him to bed at 10pm, sometimes a little later but not past 10:30 pm and he wakes up around 7:45-8 am. He does not eat in the middle of the night (yay more sleep for us! 😬) After his first feeding he likes to go back to sleep, I guess he is not a morning person lol He came out like his mommy 😛

I’m no longer breastfeeding him..but I am still pumping twice a day ( morning and night time)

So far, his routine goes like this:

7:45 am: first feeding and goes back to sleep until 10:45 ish

10:45 or 11 am: cereal for breakfast and second bottle 🥣 🍼

12 pm: playtime 🧸

1 pm: nap time until 2:30ish 😴

3 pm: lunch (vegetables) and third bottle 🥕🍼

3:45 pm:playtime 🧸 

5 pm: nap time until 7 ish 😴 

7 or 7:30 pm: bottle 🍼

8 pm: playtime 🧸 

8:30 pm: dinner (chicken mixed with a vegetable) 🍲🍼

9 pm: playtime 🧸

9:30 pm: last bottle🍼

10 pm: bedtime 😴

This routine has been working for us so far. We can tell because he wakes up happy and is gaining weight. In addition, he already knows when its time for a nap, and also when it’s time for dinner...you would think he carries a watch lol.

Some days, when we have to go out, his feeding schedule or nap time changes a bit, but we try to keep his bedtime consistent...I don’t want to mess with that lol.

So if you’re struggling to make a routine for your baby, try to make a schedule using the times that your baby eats and sleeps as a foundation.

  • For feeding times, figure out the times that baby eats, and try to make them consistent. 
  • Regarding sleep, I did some research and found out that babies at 6-7 months have a wake window of 2-3 hours. You can also look for cues like rubbing his/her eyes, or the most obvious one: yawning. I did the research because my baby is very active so I couldn’t tell he was tired until it was too late. If baby gets overtired, they take longer to fall asleep. So now I know, that if I put him down for a nap at the 2.5 hour mark..sometimes without any cues, he will go to sleep calmly. Once you figure out what time your baby gets tired, try to put him/her to nap at the same time everyday. THE KEY IS CONSISTENCY.
  • You can fit playtime in between eating time and sleep time.
These are the most basic tips that have helped me, but it really all comes down to paying attention to your baby and watching closely for his/her cues. Don’t forget to also consult with your pediatrician any concerns that you might have. 

Eventually we would like to change his bedtime to an earlier time, but we want to make sure he understands what “bedtime” is first. We have created a bedtime routine for him, and it has helped us a lot because by 9:45 pm he is ready for bed. I will be sharing this routine with you soon. 

Thank you for reading this post and hope it was helpful.

Please comment below if you have any questions, or if you have advice on how to set his bedtime to an earlier time 😊


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